

Miniature theatre
4 – 7 years

Hanafubuki / Belgium (BE)

A wooden box opens, revealing a world full of poetry. In ‘Diorama’, two performers play in a lovingly handcrafted miniature theatre with a variety of sounds and creatures appearing in different landscapes. The fanciful journey moves from the tangible to the abstract, from figures to forms. New realities emerge and transform constantly. At the end of the performance, the audience is invited to join in.

Creation: Hanne Holvoet, Sari Veroustraete, Samuel Baidoo
Play: Sari Veroustraete, Samuel Baidoo / Lies Vandeburie
Text: Tiemen Hiemstra
Technical support: Joris ‘Sjorre’ Thiry, Caroline Mathieu

With support from City of Antwerp, Fameus, CC De Kern and Ultima Thule. With thanks to PodVis Festival Mechelen, Gravenhof Hoboken, Rataplan, De Theatergarage, CoSta, Sven Ronsijn and Marie Luyten.


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